Monday, November 28, 2011

The Skyliner, I know I know - WHEN?

Versatile Visions has received quite a few emails from old customers and new potential clients, an email came in recently from someone who purchased at Walt DisneyWorld in 1999, (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT'S BEEN THAT LONG?), wondering when the NEW Skyliner will be available for purchase. At this moment we are looking into ways of reducing our overall manufacturing costs without effecting the Skyliner design, quality or functionality. We are attempting to eliminate the blister packaging and metallic art card. We do love the art card designed by Razor Creative's Rich Gould, it's magnificent and has served us well. However, currently we need to get more units into a case and reduce the case-pack weight and dimensions. The "protective" cardboard required to line the units up almost doubles the case weight.

Skyliner in Razor Creative designed Blister

We haven't raised our Skyliner prices in over 12 years. The suggested retail has been US $20.00 for the unit + shipping and handling. The next batch of Skyliners will cost a bit more to manufacture as the cost of raw materials and labor has gone up, however, our goal is to keep the single and wholesale unit cost down as low as possible. A lot of people say this, we try to implement what we say.

One of our biggest hurdles is shipping and handling. The cost to ship Skyliners in their current packaging has gone up three fold. We prefer to ship US Postal priority within the US because it allows us to track the package, print the labels on our computer and supports the US postal service.

Well, there you have it, we're sorry for the delay, but by spending time planning for the future we will be able to provide the Skyliner Virtual Message Writer at a decent cost.


p.s. an exciting NEW product is coming from Versatile Visions very soon!!!!!!

Versatile Visions and Hal Meyers in Bangor Daily News

Versatile Visions was just mentioned in the Bangor Daily News for Hal Meyers mentoring Charles Earley with his new invention the EKLIPSE.

LINK to Article:‘archi-technical-artist’-invents-a-new-clothespin/

Quote from article:
" “I’ve never been an entrepreneur,” Charley said, but he has become one for the first time, inspired by his revolutionary invention and some wonderful mentors … Hal Meyers of Versatile Visions in Bangor helped with imaging and packaging."

Here are some 3D images of the patent pending EKLIPSE Hal created for Charles using FormZ and Electric Image. Hal also created a few animations showing the evolution of the "clothes pin - through the EKLIPSE and a possible packaging option.