Just the other day I found one of our very first Skyliner units in a drawer, buried under some papers, I took it out and looked it over. What a difference from our current version. The old Skyliner was jet black, always loved that phrase, had 8 bright RED LED's and came with 15 preset messages. The user could essentially program one message into the unit, however, this message was not able to be stored in the unit. Unlike the current
Skyliner, version 3, which allows you to create and save three of your own messages up to 18 characters in length along with accessibility to the preset messages.
Skyliner Message Writer - First Promo Sheet
We spent several months designing, testing, retesting, prototyping, revamping, twirling, checking the program for glitches, writing instructions, working on the art card and the blister packaging. We also had to select the carton configurations, inner and outer measurements, double check the finished unit weight as well as the case overall volume, decide on the number of units per master case and all this along with countless hours on the phone to the potential rep groups, the manufacturing agent overseas, the cargo transport folks, the warehouse managers, the printers, and additional potential buyers, distributors, wholesalers, agents. I used the computer almost on a 24/7 basis creating a huge number of e-mails, I printed out every e-mail page for the first 6 months, a stack that would stand at least 18 inches tall, and stored them in looseleaf binders so I had accurate information pertaining to any discussion with our entire Skyliner team. Eventually we had our ducks in a row, a bit wobbly, but at least one was behind the next and our first version of the Skyliner was introduced. Almost immediately it seemed to capture the attention of any and everyone who saw it.
So I took this old Skyliner and pressed the button to turn it on, nothing, after all, it had been sitting in the drawer for over ten years. So, I removed the battery door and replaced the batteries. It instantly lit up, and as I twirled it the message "LETS PARTY" was perfectly clear.
There is a lot more to talk about, but I need a break.
Hal Meyers