Over the first two years we, Versatile Visions, llc., a Maine company, have brain stormed hundreds of other ways to display this technology. Often we receive recommendations from folks who have purchased the Skyliner or other inventors dreaming of another innovative method for the technology. We don't want to sound presumptuous, however, there has never been anything that anyone has told us that we haven't already discussed in some way, shape, fashion or configuration with the persistence of vision technology.
One of our first ideas was to put it on the door and or tail of a Taxi or a Nascar to deliver a company message as the car drove past the crowd. We heard that at one time, a long time ago, it was used in a train station to deliver a message as the train passed. Which precludes the passengers must be looking out the window at the moment the train passes the vertical row of flashing lights.
We also have some great ideas for a simple battery operated pin that you could wear. Someone moving their eyes left and right would pick up an image/logo or message.
Now, with all that said, we are always open to hearing from folks, so let us know if you have something we couldn't possibly have thought about to take the persistence of vision technology and the Skyliner to another level.
In the fifties the Fuller Brush Salesman, and Encyclopedia sales people made large sums of money by knocking on doors and demonstrating their products for sale. In a sense the internet has become the door knocker which not only doesn't intrude but allows the consumer to pick and choose the time, anonymity, and line they are interested in purchasing.
The Skyliner, by Versatile Visions, llc., a Maine company, offers you the opportunity to have fun while automatically demonstrating something magical and novel while attracting the question, "Where may I buy one?" An intelligent response would be, "From me, I sell them!" No matter what you do for your living it is time to consider the opportunity to capitalize. This could be for your college tuition, your favorite charity, or to raise money and attention for a quest.
It is not surprising that the Christian community has found relevance with this virtual message writer as they have led the charge to say "Praise the Lord" in many variations. And, it is not surprising that we are now hearing from other sects interested in getting their message across to young people, raise awareness, and raise the funds to help send those less fortunate to historical areas such as Israel or other religious retreats.
More later …
The greatest request for the Skyliner was when we received an email from Shanghai. We couldn't believe that someone in China wanted to purchase the Skyliner for resale. We were new to this business and feared we would be ripped off by the Chinese who could copy our item overnight. We had patents, but how do you protect yourself internationally?
Looking back we should have had our paranoia in check and gone through with opportunity knocking. The big deal for us were the bragging rights to say, "Hey, even China wants to purchase our product."
Soon after the China request we learned that Japanese traffic police used a stick like product that housed "persistence of vision technology." It had numerous LED's along the side of the "wand like device" that lit up with the words Stop and Go, in Japanese, of course. The traffic controller used this as his tool to control the bicycles, and CARS. Yeah, it was that long ago.
I actually bought the first one sold in the USA around the late 1970's. I was amazed by it, but it took a while to be able to read the message. The brain had to be conditioned as to what to look for. I'd wave it back an forth and ask folks if they could see the message, encouraging them to "look harder", then tell them what to look for. Eventually they would give in and say, "oh, yeah, I get it, I can see the words". They couldn't for the most part, all they could make out were some characters if the wand was moved back and forth at the exact speed. Our Skyliner, by Versatile Visions, llc., a Maine company, changed all that. By putting it in a "circular configuration" and spinning it slowly and evenly, the words were easy to discern and simple to program. Eventually we sold some units to a Japanese company. More on that later.
That's all for now.
We will never forget when the first prototype of the Skyliner was ready to demonstrate. We handed it to a friend who brought it to a football game. After the event he called to tell us that a gentleman asked him where he bought it. He explained that it was the first one made and he was investigating people's reactions. The man said I'd like to buy it. Our friend said, "It's not for sale." The man said, "I'll give you fifty dollars." Our buddy told him, "I can't sell this since it's a prototype." To be brief, the man eventually offered him five hundred dollars. When we were told this we said, "You should have sold it! We could have made another one cheaper." We felt from the response of others at the game that we had something special. We didn't have a great deal of capital, and we needed television exposure.
What do you do when you want free TV exposure? You visit QVC. We did. They loved it, and ordered 20,000. We cried with pride and hope that maybe we had something good.
On QVC at 3:30am we sold 5000 Skyliners in about ten minutes. We had a product. We did a few more spots on QVC, and then approached the large novelty chain Spencer Gifts. They ordered 20,000. We were in business and brought viability to our company Versatile Visions, llc., a Maine company. Our next stop was DisneyWorld prior to New Years Eve. DisneyWorld tested about a thousand units. Within two days they sold out and they ordered two thousand more. Michael Eisner was in the park, saw the Skyliner and wanted to purchase some for his kids. He sent some one through the park trying to find a half dozen Skyliners, however, they were sold out. The next day Disneyworld ordered ten thousand units. And we were told that the buyers were given instructions from the "top" to keep DisneyWorld stocked with Skyliners. It worked, and we were now in DisneyLand, and DisneyWorld. We knew they would frown on us being in too many places outside their domain so we remained low key and waited until now to offer it world-wide directly through us.

Presently we are receiving calls from Brazil where they are looking to find a way to deter the high importation taxes to make the Skyliner a reasonable purchase for their customers.
The Skyliner still amazes everyone, including the jaded high techies!
The Skyliner, by Versatile Visions, a Maine company:
#1 It's high tech
#2 Looks like magic
#3 Your friend doesn't have one yet
#4 Hails cabs in the city on a rainy night
#5 Attention grabbing advertisement
#6 Grabs the bartender's attention
#7 Cheers for you
#8 Helps you surrender when you have no white flag to wave
#9 Mobile Neon Sign-like
#10 Improvises into a poor man's nunchucks for defense
To answer the many questions we, Versatile Visions, llc., a Maine company, have been asked about the technology used to create the magic in the skyliner it is best to respond with "persistence of vision." If you google it you will have your answers. And, yes, the applications go way beyond virtual message writing for fun. It has been used by city folk to attract a taxi to stop. And, it has been used at airports to find visitors. It works well at night if stuck on the highway when you don't have cell phone or service. It provides a nice back up if you consider safety. It becomes a silent megaphone as you send your email to the guy or gal giving you the eye at the next table. Wouldn't you consider that serious?
The time arrived for Versatile Visions, a Maine company, to extract our exclusive product from DisneyWorld and DisneyLand. We now offer our patent protected novelty to the masses who have been patiently waiting to have the same opportunity as the conglomerates to not only purchase the Skyliner Virtual Message Writer in wholesale quantities but also as an individual at our retail.
Economic conditions have changed marketing procedures. People need to work and the Skyliner allows you to be a purveyor and capitalize. We are proud to announce the most sought after, number two, popular product in the Disney Parks is now an open market item.
Please be patient as we have been inundated with orders just from word of mouth, and are in the process of manufacturing. Presently over a million sold! Order now to be a part of the next shipment which is going fast.
Thank you,
Hal Meyers