Monday, November 28, 2011

The Skyliner, I know I know - WHEN?

Versatile Visions has received quite a few emails from old customers and new potential clients, an email came in recently from someone who purchased at Walt DisneyWorld in 1999, (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT'S BEEN THAT LONG?), wondering when the NEW Skyliner will be available for purchase. At this moment we are looking into ways of reducing our overall manufacturing costs without effecting the Skyliner design, quality or functionality. We are attempting to eliminate the blister packaging and metallic art card. We do love the art card designed by Razor Creative's Rich Gould, it's magnificent and has served us well. However, currently we need to get more units into a case and reduce the case-pack weight and dimensions. The "protective" cardboard required to line the units up almost doubles the case weight.

Skyliner in Razor Creative designed Blister

We haven't raised our Skyliner prices in over 12 years. The suggested retail has been US $20.00 for the unit + shipping and handling. The next batch of Skyliners will cost a bit more to manufacture as the cost of raw materials and labor has gone up, however, our goal is to keep the single and wholesale unit cost down as low as possible. A lot of people say this, we try to implement what we say.

One of our biggest hurdles is shipping and handling. The cost to ship Skyliners in their current packaging has gone up three fold. We prefer to ship US Postal priority within the US because it allows us to track the package, print the labels on our computer and supports the US postal service.

Well, there you have it, we're sorry for the delay, but by spending time planning for the future we will be able to provide the Skyliner Virtual Message Writer at a decent cost.


p.s. an exciting NEW product is coming from Versatile Visions very soon!!!!!!

Versatile Visions and Hal Meyers in Bangor Daily News

Versatile Visions was just mentioned in the Bangor Daily News for Hal Meyers mentoring Charles Earley with his new invention the EKLIPSE.

LINK to Article:‘archi-technical-artist’-invents-a-new-clothespin/

Quote from article:
" “I’ve never been an entrepreneur,” Charley said, but he has become one for the first time, inspired by his revolutionary invention and some wonderful mentors … Hal Meyers of Versatile Visions in Bangor helped with imaging and packaging."

Here are some 3D images of the patent pending EKLIPSE Hal created for Charles using FormZ and Electric Image. Hal also created a few animations showing the evolution of the "clothes pin - through the EKLIPSE and a possible packaging option. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Unique Party Favor - The Skyliner

When it comes to unique Party Favors, one item stands out from all the others, the Skyliner Virtual Message Writer!

The Skyliner is a handheld, battery operated (batteries included), virtual texting novelty device that allows the end user to put a short message into the air in a 360 degree circumference (when twirled in the air). The messages can be up to 18 characters long, including spaces. Three user programmed messages can be stored in the Skyliner which also has 11 preset messages that include: AWESOME, COOL, LOVE YOU!, HAPPY NEW YEAR, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MAGIC!, etc.

The Skyliner (version 3) will be in production, again, soon, available for purchase exclusively/directly from Versatile Visions, llc., the creator, manufacturer, designer and patent holder of the device. If you search on line and someone claims to have the SKYLINER for sale, be very careful. We're pretty sure they #1 - do not have the Skyliner - version 3 with 12 color changing LED's, #2 - will try to sell you a very old version (black unit with 8 LED's). If the Skyliner they are offering has 8 LED's, it will work (we put out a quality product), but it's at least six years old and the messages are 1/2 the size of the new version.

Therefore, please check back with us, often or you can send us an e-mail message and we will send you an alert when the Skyliners are available for purchase. Write to:

Thank you,

Versatile Visions, llc.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Birthday surprise

Holy Moses! I opened the door to my house and there were twenty of my friends twirling Skyliners with HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I was blown away because I couldn't turn the lights on in the house, that made me a little nervous, and it was very dark and late since I was coming home from what I thought was my birthday dinner with my" significant other."

Here it is 10pm and my friends had cut the electricity so no lights would go on. For a moment I thought maybe I had intruders. Anyway what a sight to see all those rotating lights! It was terrific see such a cool new gadget. Didn't realize it had been out there for distribution.

Thanks, Jeff

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

We have been inundated with emails sending us to sites where we see the development of unusual lighting designs on bicycle wheels using Skyliner technology. One design actually is used just to light up a bicycles path ahead at night. Very clever. This highlights our SKYLINER product as being the only item that sends a message at dusk, hand held, mobile, unique. No competition. The ones that did compete fell by the way side because of inferior tooling and unreliability. "Byline with a Skyline!"

High Five

Just an idea. What do you think about selling a Persistence of Vision program to an airlines flying at night or to any company who wants a light up message on the bottom or wings of a plane cruising over a city airway. Big money in advertising! Contact us if you are interested.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Skyliner Virtual Message Writer A Real Novelty

Hey there Skyliner fans …

It's been a a couple of weeks since our last post, however, it's not because we have nothing to tell you. We've been busy on a top secret project, very different then the Skyliner Virtual Message Writer, but really cool non-the-less. I'll start to spill details over the next few weeks so check back often.

I keep getting e-mails from folks wondering when the Skyliner will be available. I don't have an exact date yet, simply because we don't want to be rushed into bringing in thousands of units that will sit for more than a few months in our warehouse in Bangor Maine. The idea is to bring them in and get them out to the masses with out a long time on the shelf. Even though we have had units last for 5 + years on the original batteries. Nothing beats using quality components from the get-go.

I can tell you this, we are changing a few things, not the unit itself. Presently the Skyliner will remain the same color, a dark blue, with 12 multi-colored LED's and the current list of pre-set messages. The unit will still allow the end user to easily program and save three of their own messages up to 18 characters in length(including spaces). However, we are leaning towards eliminating the current packaging which for several years has made it difficult to pack efficiently into the "master cartons". This will enable us to ship more units per carton and then allow us to send out the the consumer in a slightly smaller package.

Anyway, stay tuned to the blog for further Skyliner Virtual Message Writer Novelty item information and the NEW SECRET PROJECT!

The Skyliner Guy

Friday, August 12, 2011

Lost Without My SKYLINER

If I were lost in the woods I could use my SKYLINER to attract attention of that chopper in the sky. If I were at the night club I could get another drink quicker, stand out. If I wanted to be seen at the auction house I could twirl my call. If I were stuck in the car at night, I could signal for help. If I were on the open sea and needed help, or if I wanted to surrender to my enemy in the early evening I might get special attention with my Magic Machine . . . Bottom line it is not only fun but necessary in this high tech planet.

Let's say you suffered a stroke, couldn't speak, could barely hear, possibly couldn't see, and only your left side worked and you were right handed. No problem with THE SKYLINER there is a button that reverses the message so you can twirl it left handed and deliver your message! If that don't turn you on then buy one of them flashlight things.

Food for Thought


Someone I met at the Veteran's Center had me laughing with his message in his SKYLINER; "Hear Me". I didn't snicker when I first saw it but after I realized he was hard of hearing. He told me as best he could that the Skyliner afforded him a tool to introduce himself at the bar to an attractive lady without scaring them with what might appear to be a handicap. Once he could use his charm and his Skyliner the barriers were broken.

What's That You Say?


If you are looking for a way to advertise inexpensively there is nothing more captivating then a live presentation. However that is not always cost effective. Consider using some handsome, young people to wander amongst the gentry with your message in their hands. I am talking about THE SKYLINER. This is so cost effective in relation to the results acquired it becomes lost in the complicated minds of sophisticated business sorts. It's a poor man's neon sign or a better description would be an intelligent man's opportunity to innovate.


Thursday, August 11, 2011


I took my Skyliner, drilled a hole through the bottom of the handle, and jury rigged my electric drill/screwdriver to it so it would stand up and continuously twirl my message to say to the Bible Thumpers who show up at dinner time, ATHEIST.


March on Washington Send a Skyliner Message

I would like to propose that all those unhappy with Congress connect in some fashion through Social Media. Let's march on Washington twirling Skyliners in the night. It holds three of your own messages and looks brilliant as an attention-getting, virtual, message writer. It allows you to be bi-partisan in your message yet at the same time lets Washington know that we are an eclectic group only wanting action through bipartisan cooperation. My message is NO REELECTION.

Fed Up with Fed

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Like most American men I shop and am amazed at persistence of vision technology but I never really appreciated what I recently observed. The other day a friend demonstrated a hand-held device that he almost imperceptibly twirled with a twist of his wrist. Emanating from several, vertical led's were a variety of messages. I responded in amazement, "Wow!" Later in the day I began to contemplate the "Magic" of what I had seen. "How the hell do words come out of lights?"

Skyliner Virtual Message Writer Novelty Gift Item
You might find it interesting to google, Persistence of Vision. It not only blew me away but influenced my purchase of the Skyliner since I thought I could interest my son and daughter into thinking beyond just "seeing something" and "la-di-da" off into space without contemplating the science!

Monday, August 8, 2011


Imagine being able to wave your iPhone or any phone, which will download the app for Persistence of Vision Technology, and your message would be seen without texting or making a call. Your phone becomes a virtual neon sign. Let us know if you are interested. Presently in development if there is enough interest. Message Ideas: HELP, CALL, DRINK PLEASE, TAXI, SINGLE. Why wait? Pick up a Skyliner.


K-killer effect
Y-yells without noise

The Skyliner Virtual Message Writer Novelty Item, the perfect gift, the perfect high tech toy, simply perfect!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Got a message of thanks from a nubile, young nurse who claims a most, electrifying, sexual romp with her fiancé was, in part, due to her playful attempt to shock his libido as she was characteristically reticent. When he opened the door to her apartment and called for her there was no answer. He ambled through the abode to discover her lying prone in her room in her birthday suit swinging a Skyliner in the dim light with a message both clever and seductive.

Let your imagination be your guide.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Wishful Thinking

The night was dark, and the sky was blue, not unusual for a summer night in Maine, 1999. I was driving up the coast of Maine to the furthest point, the eastern part of the United States, Eastport, to wake up in the morning and be the first in America to see the sun rise. It would appear close enough to touch.

I was not surprised, not in Maine, but I was stunned to catch a moose in my headlights which caused me to screech to a stop. The moose stared at me or rather the lights from my jeep. I backed up and stepped out, absent of doors, as I regarded the huge mammal with full rack sauntering off into the forest. Suddenly, a wide, red light beamed down from above. The light wasn't bright but filled a space as large as a small home, and then went dark. I looked up to see a circular flying saucer, wider than a football field, with a Skyliner type message spinning around its circumference which read, I COME FROM YOUR IMAGINATION. THANK YOU SKYLINER.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dog Day

Last night my dog, Stuart, startled me (around 3am) when I saw him twirling my Skyliner with a message he must have programmed. It said, "Need To Poop!" I jumped up and rushed him outside, and then realized I was dreaming . . . about the SKYLINER . . . not about his needs.

Analysis: The Skyliner works when you are dreaming.

Dog's Best Friend

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I'll tell you why. There's nothing like it so you end up owning a conversation piece that has fun built in plus necessity. It's fun to tell the boss, "I QUIT!" And the SKYLINER is needed if you are stuck for HELP at night, or you need a CAB to stop on a rainy night in the city.

I think it's fun during Spring Vacation from school. I used mine in Palm Springs to let my peers know that I was from Bowdoin College in Maine. Yes, I had thrown in my email to be texted, and I let some ladies at a table across the room know I was AVAILABLE. They laughed, I walked over, broke the barrier, and I'm still corresponding with one of them from Boston University. So, that's why. Hey, and I sell them . . . I ain't rich but it covers the bar bill and dinner once a week.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Skyliner Virtual Message Writer Version 3

It took several years before we decided to create a new Skyliner. Why? Well, the first two versions seemed to be selling well, the knock-offs had disappeared from the scene and things were moving along. However, the rip-off units did their damage overseas by under-cutting our price making it difficult for us to sell in European markets. Luckily for us, as is often the case, the knock-offs were inferior in every way. They didn't work consistently, were difficult to program and had lousy packaging. Plus there was no "customer service". We do pride ourselves on the prompt customer service we've provided over the years.

You should know that 99.9% of our customer service responses were usually a simple explanation concerning program or battery replacement. We've sold quite a few Skyliners and had very few defective units over the years. Mostly due to our careful attention to details, using quality parts, batteries and circuitry.

New Skyliner Version 3 - Virtual Message Writer

So, when it came time to design a new Skyliner at the request of DisneyWorld, our largest customer at the time, we thought, why not, and also figured it would knock any of the old copy cats still around. This time, however, when I designed the unit in 3D I also added our Versatile Visions/Skyliner website information to the side of the unit, on each frame. This means that anyone who wanted to steal the animation would be advertising our site, unless they were going to take each frame and paint out the web address.

Once again, this animation was created in form-Z, electric image and composited in After Effects. There were some additional challenges as this new unit had tri-color LED's and I wanted to represent that clearly in the animation.

It only took me a few days to create, animate, composite and tweak this new Skyliner animation, which to my knowledge has only been used by folks who were selling the new unit, with our permission.

Take a close look at the unit as it spins to see the website address.


Skyliner Virtual Message Writer animation part 2

After completing the basic unit, then I had to add the LED's - they were originally created separately and then added to the unit using form-Z to construct both the unit and the LED's and then Electric Image to render the animation, and then After Effects to composite the two pieces.

I originally tried to do it all in Electric image but found it easier to composite in after effects.

I was actually excited, delighted, to be able to post my animation of the original Skyliner Virtual Message Writer novelty item when it first came out. However, it didn't take long before the "knock-off" unit appeared and what truly blew my mind was seeing my animation used to demonstrate and sell the knock-off unit.

They say that copying is the sincerest form of flattery. No, it's simply stealing your work. I was taken aback when I saw my animation being used at various sights around the world, without my permission. I even tried to contact a few of the folks using it. Surprise, surprise … they ignored me!

Anyway, it's nice to be an internationally ripped off 3D guy.

Next - the new Skyliner images and animation process.

Skyliner Virtual Text Message Writer Animation

When it came time to create our Skyliner I was fortunate enough to dabble in 3D animation. Why? It's simple, if you can build a working prototype in virtual space, and you can see what it will do, then you can make simple alterations to your design and functionality before ever having cast a single piece. By doing this you can send your animation and still images to the engineers so they will have a clear understanding of what you are looking for.

I did this in numerous stages and different configurations as we sought to create a simple yet effective product. I would send an image to our folks overseas, they would make suggestions, I would reconfigure and eventually we came up with the design for the Skyliner version one and subsequently version two.

This is the raw animation of the Skyliner version 1 unit without words.

… More animations to follow


Monday, July 18, 2011

Ted Kennedy Liked the Skyliner

It was Senator Ted Kennedy who took a case of twenty-four Skyliners to hand out to friends while he helped push nominee Senator John Kerry to the presidency unfortunately taken by another man.

Senator Ted Kennedy

His response when he saw the Skyliner, "Wow! Hey, look at this! This is terrific!" 

Senator John Kerry

He wasn't the first to deliver accolades as Defense Secretary William Cohen had them for New Years Eve, 2000. He liked them enough to mail a card of appreciation for the inventiveness.

Right Winger

Make Peace

It was Senator George Mitchell who was willing to pose for a photo with the Skyliner while a member of Disney's Board of Directors.

Deane Stern with Senator George Mitchell Holding the Skyliner (v.2)

He did this to send a message to the Buyers that some of his Maine Boys had hit it big with a product he was endorsing.

Deane Stern

Academy Awards

Were you at the Academy Awards? Neither were we! But the Skyliner was when Avatar won best picture! If you went to the after party several of the guests were twirling Avatar.

The Skyliner at AVATAR's Academy Awards Party

Don't be surprised if you see James Cameron twirling the message Best Picture next time around. The first one was nominated for nine Academy Awards.

Unknown Celebrity

Friday, July 15, 2011

Martial Arts

I am no martial artist but one evening when a purse snatcher on a bicycle tried to grab my bag in downtown Detroit, he didn't realize (neither did I) that a twirly thing rotating round like a weapon of choice from another planet would end his mission. The purse was snug over my shoulder and left arm. At the moment I realized the tug I automatically swung with my right hand, missed with my fist, but caught him in the eye with moveable arm of leds. He let go and fled with shaking head down. I was lucky. Now I program in STEAL THIS!

Melonie Wentz


I was heading out with friend from the Marina del Rey for a night sail. It was just dusk when I stumbled from the dock and dropped my Skyliner. It went kaplunk into the water. It was on when I tripped because I was planning to climb aboard the 39' Catalina with an energy of excitement and a message that read, "Stern to Stern!" No one had ever seen a Skyliner so I was determined to retrieve it as I could see where it had fallen as the leds were still flashing!

Skyliner Virtual Message Writer Mast Concept

My friend Joe, who was the designated Captain, donned his diving gear and retrieved the virtual message writer. It still worked, dried quickly, and I felt we had a backup emergency device which also could spell HELP in case we ran out of wind and fuel.

Grace Stern

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Playing with the Original Skyliner Virtual Message Writer

Just the other day I found one of our very first Skyliner units in a drawer, buried under some papers, I took it out and looked it over. What a difference from our current version. The old Skyliner was jet black, always loved that phrase, had 8 bright RED LED's and came with 15 preset messages. The user could essentially program one message into the unit, however, this message was not able to be stored in the unit. Unlike the current Skyliner, version 3, which allows you to create and save three of your own messages up to 18 characters in length along with accessibility to the preset messages.

Skyliner Message Writer - First Promo Sheet

We spent several months designing, testing, retesting, prototyping, revamping, twirling, checking the program for glitches, writing instructions, working on the art card and the blister packaging. We also had to select the carton configurations, inner and outer measurements, double check the finished unit weight as well as the case overall volume, decide on the number of units per master case and all this along with countless hours on the phone to the potential rep groups, the manufacturing agent overseas, the cargo transport folks, the warehouse managers, the printers, and additional potential buyers, distributors, wholesalers, agents. I used the computer almost on a 24/7 basis creating a huge number of e-mails, I printed out every e-mail page for the first 6 months, a stack that would stand at least 18 inches tall, and stored them in looseleaf binders so I had accurate information pertaining to any discussion with our entire Skyliner team. Eventually we had our ducks in a row, a bit wobbly, but at least one was behind the next and our first version of the Skyliner was introduced. Almost immediately it seemed to capture the attention of any and everyone who saw it.

So I took this old Skyliner and pressed the button to turn it on, nothing, after all, it had been sitting in the drawer for over ten years. So, I removed the battery door and replaced the batteries. It instantly lit up, and as I twirled it the message "LETS PARTY" was perfectly clear.

There is a lot more to talk about, but I need a break.


Hal Meyers

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Skyliner and the Stripper

How about the gal who called us from Houston, Tx  to tell us the reaction she got from her pole dance at a high end strip club. She had designed her routine with various Skyliner messages choreographed into the act. She wanted to let us know how well it went over.

We also had a guy call us from Orlando who called himself Leisure Suit Light Up Larry! Yeah, he was lit up with every consumer led made plus featured the Skyliner. It was a sight to see as this older man, fifties, went every night to the Downtown Disney Club to wow the crowd. After his promo of the item we had many calls by independent vendors hoping to purchase wholesale Skyliners for raves. Why not? We, Versatile Visions, a Maine company, accommodated.

Grace Stern

The Skyliner Look before you Twirl

One night while I was at a real estate company Christmas Party I thought I would bring my new Skyliner and show everyone how cool I was by programming, what else, "Merry Christmas."

I waited until the proper moment when everyone gathered to hear me speak. I spoke, and then twirled the Skyliner as I watched the eyes of the crowd in anticipation of the awe. Everyone started laughing and yelling at me! I had forgotten that I had programmed in a familiar negative FY message for a whacky friend of mine as a joke. I had the wrong message ready to go when I spoke! Until I looked up did I turn as red as the leds!

Rod Stewart

The Skyliner at Parties, Rallies and more!

I always thought it would be wonderful to use my SKYLINER to march on Washington D.C. late one night with about 100,000 other people twirling my novelty item to say "What Goes Around Comes Around." Maybe they would get the message. I got the idea when I was at a surprise tea party for my friend. Twenty-five people had them rotating around when Jim opened the door. He thought it was a room full of helicopters! Now that's an idea for helicopter pilots, firemen, or even policemen!

Party on dudes! I love this thing, probably because I don't understand how words can appear out of lights? I just move my eyes back and forth while looking at the lights and I can see words. I don't get it even when I read about it . . . .

Bob Angst

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Skyliner in New York City

One of the more exciting product testimonials about the Skyliner was in 2000 at the New York Toy Fair. It was after the convention at the Javits center and it was raining. Everyone was in the street hailing cabs in bad weather. We took out our Skyliner and rotated as instructed with the words TAXI. We were surprised as the cab driver immediately pulled over next to us, rolled down the window, and inquired about the "twirly-thing."

This brought smiles to our lips with our new invention which we had already claimed could be used to hail a cab, yet we hadn't tried it until that night. It worked!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The SKYLINER on the 4th of JULY!

Happy 4th of JULY America! 

When Versatile Visions, a Maine company, first introduced the Skyliner, one of our immediate thoughts was that it would make a terrific product to get your patriotic message out to the masses during a 4th of July festivity.

The Skyliner, especially version 3, can be seen by thousands of people in a darkened area, arena, stadium, indoor or outdoor location, and because you can input up to 18 characters (letters and numbers) including spaces, you can easily and instantly get your visual message across. The twelve (12) LED's really shine brightly at night and the tri-colored LED's change every 3 seconds from Red to Green to Orange and back to Red. And it's a fun, safe way to celebrate independence day.

Original Skyliner (3D rendering)

It's amazing how folks flocked over to us the first time we showed the original Skyliner at an outdoor event, the American Folk Festival held in Bangor, Maine. As a matter of fact we were selling Skyliners so fast that one of us had to stop twirling to answer all the questions people had about the magical messages appearing in the air. We also demonstrated just how easy it was for the onlookers to program their own Skyliners. All the while the other person was continuously twirling two units overhead displaying both the custom messages and the wide selection of preset messages. And yes, twirling for hours overhead does get tiring.

New Skyliner (actual photo)

The new unit (version 3) can be viewed by more folks since the letters are twice the height of the original Skyliner. And it's still very easy to program.

Keep an eye out, and check back often to see when the Skyliners will be available exclusively to the public from Versatile Visions, the creator and manufacturer.

Brookstone, Disney and Skyliner Techology

One day Versatile Visions received a phone call from a company who wanted to use our patent for their "POV" CLOCK. We contracted with friends of ours FASCINATIONS to use our patent which enabled them to legitimately continue production of their message clock, the XP3, which delivered the time, date, and messages floating miraculously in space. Brookstone became the key retailer to take on this product until they found it more profitable to copy it and make it their own.

Versatile Visions, llc., a Maine company, had the right to persuade them to cease and desist. We didn't. Why? Their sales were a great advertisement for the SKYLINER, and a testimonial to its success. Most products don't last but two years in Disney, and even a shorter period in Brookstone. We lasted 11 years. We kept our product in Disney until they felt the pinch. Disney has been hurt by economic conditions and needs employees who can't afford to work at the low wages the offer. It is not cost efficient for the low income earners who need to put fuel in their autos to arrive at work, or find housing affordable. Hence, they didn't have the personnel to demonstrate it. It's a Mickey Mouse Operation!

It is common knowledge in the product industry that Brookstone is not resistant to "knocking-off"a product which would enhance their profits. They are infamous for taking on a product and then making it their own a year or two later. They are not alone. This recipe for retail is more common than not. Big retailers with integrity are on a short list. Just an opinion not fact? We love them all, understand the game, go with the flow, and look forward to filling their shelves with products they will like enough to bring to the next level and become a staple.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Skyliner Brain Storming

Over the first two years we, Versatile Visions, llc., a Maine company, have brain stormed hundreds of other ways to display this technology. Often we receive recommendations from folks who have purchased the Skyliner or other inventors dreaming of another innovative method for the technology. We don't want to sound presumptuous, however, there has never been anything that anyone has told us that we haven't already discussed in some way, shape, fashion or configuration with the persistence of vision technology.

One of our first ideas was to put it on the door and or tail of a Taxi or a Nascar to deliver a company message as the car drove past the crowd. We heard that at one time, a long time ago, it was used in a train station to deliver a message as the train passed. Which precludes the passengers must be looking out the window at the moment the train passes the vertical row of flashing lights.

We also have some great ideas for a simple battery operated pin that you could wear. Someone moving their eyes left and right would pick up an image/logo or message. 

Now, with all that said, we are always open to hearing from folks, so let us know if you have something we couldn't possibly have thought about to take the persistence of vision technology and the Skyliner to another level.

The Skyliner is a Terrific Demo Product and Fundraiser

In the fifties the Fuller Brush Salesman, and Encyclopedia  sales people made large sums of money by knocking on doors and demonstrating their products for sale. In a sense the internet has become the door knocker which not only doesn't intrude but allows the consumer to pick and choose the time, anonymity, and line they are interested in purchasing. 

The Skyliner, by Versatile Visions, llc., a Maine company, offers you the opportunity to have fun while automatically demonstrating something magical and novel while attracting the question, "Where may I buy one?" An intelligent response would be, "From me, I sell them!" No matter what you do for your living it is time to consider the opportunity to capitalize. This could be for your college tuition, your favorite charity, or to raise money and attention for a quest. 

It is not surprising that the Christian community has found relevance with this virtual message writer as they have led the charge to say "Praise the Lord" in many variations. And, it is not surprising that we are now hearing from other sects interested in getting their message across to young people, raise awareness, and raise the funds to help send those less fortunate to historical areas such as Israel or other religious retreats. 

More later …


The Skyliner in China

The greatest request for the Skyliner was when we received an email from Shanghai. We couldn't believe that someone in China wanted to purchase the Skyliner for resale. We were new to this business and feared we would be ripped off by the Chinese who could copy our item overnight. We had patents, but how do you protect yourself internationally? 

Looking back we should have had our paranoia in check and gone through with opportunity knocking. The big deal for us were the bragging rights to say, "Hey, even China wants to purchase our product." 

Soon after the China request we learned that Japanese traffic police used a stick like product that housed "persistence of vision technology." It had numerous LED's along the side of the "wand like device" that lit up with the words Stop and Go, in Japanese, of course. The traffic controller used this as his tool to control the bicycles, and CARS. Yeah, it was that long ago.

I actually bought the first one sold in the USA around the late 1970's. I was amazed by it, but it took a while to be able to read the message. The brain had to be conditioned as to what to look for. I'd wave it back an forth and ask folks if they could see the message, encouraging them to "look harder", then tell them what to look for. Eventually they would give in and say, "oh, yeah, I get it, I can see the words". They couldn't for the most part, all they could make out were some characters if the wand was moved back and forth at the exact speed. Our Skyliner, by Versatile Visions, llc., a Maine company, changed all that. By putting it in a "circular configuration" and spinning it slowly and evenly, the words were easy to discern and simple to program. Eventually we sold some units to a Japanese company. More on that later.

That's all for now.

The Skyliner, Our First Prototype & QVC

We will never forget when the first prototype of the Skyliner was ready to demonstrate. We handed it to a friend who brought it to a football game. After the event he called to tell us that a gentleman asked him where he bought it. He explained that it was the first one made and he was investigating people's reactions. The man said I'd like to buy it. Our friend said, "It's not for sale." The man said, "I'll give you fifty dollars." Our buddy told him, "I can't sell this since it's a prototype." To be brief, the man eventually offered him five hundred dollars. When we were told this we said, "You should have sold it! We could have made another one cheaper." We felt from the response of others at the game that we had something special. We didn't have a great deal of capital, and we needed television exposure. 

What do you do when you want free TV exposure? You visit QVC. We did. They loved it, and ordered 20,000. We cried with pride and hope that maybe we had something good. 

On QVC at 3:30am we sold 5000 Skyliners in about ten minutes. We had a product. We did a few more spots on QVC, and then approached the large novelty chain Spencer Gifts. They ordered 20,000. We were in business and brought viability to our company Versatile Visions, llc., a Maine company. Our next stop was DisneyWorld prior to New Years Eve. DisneyWorld tested about a thousand units. Within two days they sold out and they ordered two thousand more. Michael Eisner was in the park, saw the Skyliner and wanted to purchase some for his kids. He sent some one through the park trying to find a half dozen Skyliners, however, they were sold out. The next day Disneyworld ordered ten thousand units. And we were told that the buyers were given instructions from the "top" to keep DisneyWorld stocked with Skyliners. It worked, and we were now in DisneyLand, and DisneyWorld. We knew they would frown on us being in too many places outside their domain so we remained low key and waited until now to offer it world-wide directly through us. 

Presently we are receiving calls from Brazil where they are looking to find a way to deter the high importation taxes to make the Skyliner a reasonable purchase for their customers. 

The Skyliner still amazes everyone, including the jaded high techies!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Why Would Anyone Need To Own A Novelty Item?

The Skyliner, by Versatile Visions, a Maine company:

#1 It's high tech

#2 Looks like magic

#3 Your friend doesn't have one yet

#4 Hails cabs in the city on a rainy night

#5 Attention grabbing advertisement

#6 Grabs the bartender's attention

#7 Cheers for you

#8 Helps you surrender when you have no white flag to wave

#9 Mobile Neon Sign-like

#10 Improvises into a poor man's nunchucks for defense

Skyliner Persistence of Vision

To answer the many questions we, Versatile Visions, llc., a Maine company, have been asked about the technology used to create the magic in the skyliner it is best to respond with "persistence of vision." If you google it you will have your answers. And, yes, the applications go way beyond virtual message writing for fun. It has been used by city folk to attract a taxi to stop. And, it has been used at airports to find visitors. It works well at night if stuck on the highway when you don't have cell phone or service. It provides a nice back up if you consider safety. It becomes a silent megaphone as you send your email to the guy or gal giving you the eye at the next table. Wouldn't you consider that serious? 


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Skyliner Patent Protected Novelty Available to the Masses

The time arrived for Versatile Visions, a Maine company, to extract our exclusive product from DisneyWorld and DisneyLand. We now offer our patent protected novelty to the masses who have been patiently waiting to have the same opportunity as the conglomerates to not only purchase the Skyliner Virtual Message Writer in wholesale quantities but also as an individual at our retail. 

Economic conditions have changed marketing procedures. People need to work and the Skyliner allows you to be a purveyor and capitalize. We are proud to announce the most sought after, number two, popular product in the Disney Parks is now an open market item. 

Please be patient as we have been inundated with orders just from word of mouth, and are in the process of manufacturing. Presently over a million sold! Order now to be a part of the next shipment which is going fast. 

Thank you,

Hal Meyers